PCR tests (nasopharyngeal swab or saliva)
The PCR test costs between CHF 131.00 and CHF 153.50 and is only covered by the federal government if symptoms exist. For travel, the test must be paid in our practice, as well as the additional written confirmation of results (available in German/English), if desired.
Please note that the costs of the saliva PCR test will only be reimbursed by the state for symptomatic children under 12 years of age.
Rapid antigen tests (nasopharyngeal swab; for the weekly test of choice without symptoms also nasal).
The rapid antigen test costs CH 36.- without physician consultation. It is reimbursed by the federal government once a week per child under 16 years of age (with and without symptoms). The invoice is sent directly by us to the health insurance company.
Adults without symptoms are entitled to a free weekly rapid antigen test. You can request a certificate for the test.
However, as of 11/10/2021, we are no longer allowed to issue a certificate of recovery for adults for a rapid antigen test with symptoms or contact with a positive person. You will receive a written confirmation from us.
Please note that we do not currently offer antibody testing. Thank you for your understanding.
Can I choose which test is used?
The practice staff will discuss with you on site which test is appropriate and meets the current test criteria of the BAG.
For example, the weekly test of choice can only be done as a rapid test. Saliva tests are only suitable for children over the age of 6.
How quickly do I receive the results?
For PCR tests, you will receive the result within 24-48 hours via e-mail directly from our partner laboratory. For the rapid antigen test, you will receive the result from us on the same day.
Which test type is least invasive and therefore recommended for children?
Unfortunately, we see more and more children who are very afraid of the swab test in the nose or in the nasopharynx because of the frequently performed rapid antigen test. We reserve the right to refuse to perform rapid antigen tests depending on the situation (e.g. fear of the child, symptomatology) and urge you to allow your child to use the less invasive PCR test forms (saliva, throat) in these cases.
Accuracy of Covid-19 testing
Currently, we recommend testing with PCR as it has significantly higher accuracy. See the following study.
I would like to have my child under the age of 2 tested. Is this possible?
If symptoms are present, it is mandatory that your child be evaluated by a physician in addition to the Covid test. If there are no symptoms, only Covid testing is generally possible.
My child had contact with a positive case a few days ago, when should I have my child tested?
From the 5th day after contact with the positive case.
Which test do I need for a trip abroad and how do I proceed?
Please refer to the respective country’s website and the airline for information.
We cannot offer you any advice regarding the tests required for your country of travel. You are solely responsible for selecting the correct testing procedure.
The airlines or destination countries specify the time period before the flight in which the test acceptance must take place (usually 72 hours). Please allow sufficient time. The test result of a PCR test is usually available within 24-48 hours. You can request a multilingual confirmation for air travel from us (+CHF 15.00). Please take your passport with you. The PCR test has to be paid by yourself if no symptoms are present.
Currently, we no longer test parents or other accompanying persons at our Zurich & Winterthur locations. In Lucerne we continue to test accompanying persons.
How quickly will I receive the results?
For PCR tests, you will receive the result within 24-48 hours via e-mail. For the rapid antigen test, you will receive the result on the same day.
Certificates are generated directly by the laboratory for PCR tests and sent by e-mail with the result.
As of 2/17/22, recovery certificates will only be issued for PCR test results.. Therefore, certificates of recovery will no longer be issued for antigen tests. However, the certificates already issued remain valid. You can apply for a recovery certificate via the following website.
We primarily test children. If you would like to be tested as an accompanying person (e.g. parents), this is currently only possible at the Lucerne site. If you are an accompanying person, please fill out our German accompanying person registration form or the English accompanying person registration form beforehand.
We do not test adult individuals, unless they are employees of partner companies.
Swiss Medi Kids ensures that your visit to our doctor is safe. Individual rules adapted to our young patients apply, which we will inform you about on site. Please respect these rules for your safety and that of your children. Patients with immunosuppression and cardiopulmonary problems (heart defects, asthma) are kindly requested to go directly to a children’s hospital in case of any complaints, after consulting us by phone.
Please note that masks are mandatory for all persons over 6 years of age. Only CE certified surgical masks are allowed in the practice.
Even persons who have tested positive do not always have to go to hospital. In most cases, remaining at home as ordered by a physician is sufficient.
The Onedoc online scheduling tool for Covid-19 testing is available at all locations. In children, Corona virus has shown a mild course of disease. In general, follow the BAG hygiene rules (wash hands frequently and properly, stay as close to public areas as possible, etc.).
If you are unsure whether your child may continue to attend school or whether a pediatrician should be consulted, the Corona Bambini Tool is available.
Tips for parents for isolation in children and adolescents can be found here.
If your child has never been to our center before, we ask that you bring the health insurance card with you. In addition, please fill out the registration form in advance:
Registration Form German Zurich or Registration Form English Zurich
Registration Form German Winterthur or Registration Form English Winterthur
Registration form German Lucerne or registration form English Lucerne
and send it to: luzern@swissmedikids.ch / zuerich@swissmedikids.ch / winterthur@swissmedikids.ch or bring it with you to the practice. Thank you very much.
If you need a covid-19 test for your child, please come by during our opening times.
Please note that we no longer test parents and accompanying persons until further notice in Zurich and Winterthur. In Lucerne we still test parents as well.